Christmas message by Rev. fr. Victor Adeosun

Amen. Good evening, dear brothers and sisters in Christ Merry Christmas to you! Congratulations, Jesus is born! May the birth of Jesus bring blessings and joy to our life in Jesus’ name! Then, friends, the message of Christmas is simple. Christmas is when Jesus was born. And every December 25th, we remember this nativity, the birth of Jesus. Like all the readings say. The birth of Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise. You know, at the beginning of creation, Adam was created. Man was created. Humankind was created. Male and female only. The garden of Eden. Instruction was given. Do this and you will live forever. But the disobedience of man, made us to lose our place. So the question is, is it God that lets man or man lets God? Is it God that lets man over? With our disobedience, we lost God. We left God and we left our place. And for us to be with God, no man has the power to do it. Except the one who is God that will become man. So, when God has placed us somewhere to be united with him, to live in enjoyment and joy, he leads with our disobedience and we left God. So, God needed to send his son to leave heaven and come on earth so that we can go back. And that is why John says that the birth of Jesus is the son of God becoming son of man, So that the son of man can become what? Son of God. Amen? The birth of Jesus is the son of God becoming son of man. So that the son of man can become… So, he has come to take us from our shame, back to our place. We have left God, but he has come to where we are in our sin, to take us back to God. He has found us. Amen. We have left God, but he has come to where we are in our sin, to take us back to God. Shalem Oh, good. Thank you. oh God has come to become one to find us to take us from our sin our faith our sorrow to take us back to god like in this liturgy we are restored by the thinking of gloria to indicate that our joy is restored the glory of us through the birth of Jesus restored the correction of the altar from morning to rejoicing shows even women adorning with power that our mind with the best of Jesus is now beautiful again we cannot say we cannot rejoice has come to restore us and that is why his name is there has been division and a gap between God and us between God and man but with the birth of Jesus God has come to stay with us so God gave you the world in the form of man the world became flesh to dwell among us but what is his purpose restoration of glory, restoration of peace, restoration of goodness, restoration of favor, restoration of justice, restoration of fairness, and that is why we say joy to the world.
Dear friends in Christ, with the birth of Jesus, God has returned, joy has returned, love has returned, justice has returned. But the purpose of the liturgical readings is to remind us, joy to the world. Let us prepare, let us prepare, we too should prepare. Forty-two generations between the promise and the fulfillment, this is how Jesus was prepared to come to our company. He’s loud. Are we also prepared to receive joy, to receive back peace, to receive back love in our family, to receive success in our endeavors? Do you still have hope that you can still be restored? Maybe mankind has lost all hope that God can come back to have relationship with man. So, he took our flesh. So, are you also prepared for the birth of Jesus in you? Are you also prepared in your family to forgive yourself? Not just to leave your family, but even extended family. Are you prepared that Jesus will be born in your life? Are you prepared that Jesus will be Emmanuel in your business? Emmanuel in your family? Emmanuel in your relationship with your friends? So that joy can come to your world. So that joy can come to your family. So that joy can return to God and the nation. May the Lord’s love and joy to be in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Like the saying goes, he who fails to plan is learning to fail. Jesus came to be born, but not all received him. Everybody not to receive him, and he was destroyed. Many received him, and glory was their portion. Joseph, like we heard today, received him. And he is known to be the foster father of Jesus forever. Are you also prepared to receive Jesus? Are you also prepared to love again? Are you also prepared to give love a chance? Are you also prepared to now walk with faith and hope? Are you also prepared to take a step into greatness, so that Jesus that is born at this Christmas can take you back to your place of glory? If you prepare, you will receive him. If you prepare, you will experience him.
If you prepare, he will experience it. If you prepare, he will come to dwell with you. Dear friends in Christ, Christmas is a time to receive and to love. Jesus has given himself to us. We should also give ourselves to others. We should give forgiveness. We should give understanding. We should give also patience. We should give a charity. But we should not give up. Because the only thing many of us are doing, the only thing we are giving now is giving up. We have lost all hope. But with the birth of Jesus, a promise of over 4,000 years was restored. May the Lord also restore you to Jesus then. Dear friends in Christ, who live with our hearts, we also need to give it our hands. Nothing is too small. Give with your hands and with your hands. It is not only December 25 that is Christmas. Every day is Christmas. Every day is what? Every day is what? Can I hear you say, every day is Christmas?It is not that you don’t want to go in December 25 and you will love God again in another December 25. Mother Teresa says It is Christmas every time you let go, love God as to you. Can we say that together? It is Christmas every time you let go, love God as to you. It is Christmas every time you let go, love God as to you. Every time that you walk, you let go of God’s word and spirit. In this Christmas, you are giving thanks to joy. You are giving thanks to hope in the life of others. Lord, our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Let it experience it. Every time you smile, it’s a promise. Every time you need another time, it’s a promise. Every time you need another gift, it’s a promise. Every time you need to do another thing, it’s a promise. And that’s the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. The invadable spirit of the Lord. We are all going to be followed by the Lord of the angels. We are all going to be followed by the Lord of the angels. What might we expect? He is the Lord of the angels. The Lord of the angels. There was a Jesus called for us to be healed. So, this is the Lord of the angels coming to the world for us to be healed for his people. Prayer of Saint Francis Assisi payer of peace Lord, make me an instrument of peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love, where there is injury, let me sow pardon, where there is doubt, let me sow faith, where there is despair, let me sow hope, where there is darkness, let me be light, and where there is sadness, let me sow joy. O loving Jesus, grant that I may not so much seek, to be consoled as you consoled, but to be understood as you understand, to be loved as you love, for it is in Him that we seek. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is a dying that you are born to eat and alive. Jesus passed through generations and we may forget him. For container we are now for more to pass through our home. God bless you and enjoy your new family. May you enjoy your Christmas and joy through Christ.
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